Mrs. Priyanka Jay Patel


This session is being conducted online due to the pandemic – an hour + everyday
Full payment to be made in advance & is non-refundable. In any case if you’re unable to attend any of the days, you can always join in the next course at no extra cost.


Curriculum :

  • Nãda
  • Anahata – The Frequency
  • States of Nãda
  • Sound as a healing tool – Kansa Se Nãda
  • Use of voice as a healing tool
  • Visualization + Sound
  • Bringing in harmony between the relationship
  • Release unnecessary stress, anxiety, worry & controlling nature
  • Sound & it’s effect on Brain
  • Sound & Chakras
  • Becoming Sound Thus Becoming You
  • Singing Bowl & it’s profound uses to heal self

About Punita Shah Kadam

An Awareness through the Body(ATB) practitioner, having studied the subject in Auroville, she totally believes in the ATB principles of raising awareness to enable children and adults to become conscious of their own perceptions and abilities so that they become self-aware, self-directed and mindful. She has also been conducting individual and group Sound Healing sessions combining it with awareness through body exercises which further deepen the entire experience. The immersive soundscapes are created using Singing bowls, Gongs, specialized sound instruments, Vocals and Breath-work.


“Connect with the sounds within”